Shelters were both temporary and long term and particular to environmental conditions. Aboriginal people traditionally used a variety of structures including naturally occurring rock shelters, quickly constructed lean-tos, as well as more permanent structures such as dome huts located in communal living sites.

Shelters – Teacher Resources
Here you will find investigations and learning tasks related to Shelters. These materials support the teaching of Tasmanian Aboriginal histories and cultures, mapping the curriculum links to learning areas and the general capabilities.
For additional general supplementary materials to support the teaching of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cross-curriculum priority please see Classroom Resources.
Learning Tasks
Year 1 English and HASS - Keeping Culture
Year 2 English and HASS - Creation
Year 3 HASS - Seasonal Calendar
Year 5 Design and Tech and HASS - Migration
Year 6 Design and Tech and HASS - Caring for Places
Year 7 Design and Tech and HASS - Exploring Value
Year 9 Geography - Cultural Landscapes